CYDEPS Dose Escalation Pain Study

CYDEPS – Dose escalation pain study 

The CYDEPS clinical trial is investigating the use of a medical cannabis product as a potential treatment for chronic back and/or neck pain.

The study is a single arm, open label clinical study which means everyone who participates will receive the experimental medication (there is no placebo).

The clinical study will run for approximately 5-6 weeks, and will include 8 study visits to a medical clinic over this time, each time seeing the study doctor. The clinical study is open to eligible participants in Sydney.



  • Be aged 18-75
  • Have a history of chronic neck and/or back pain for at least 3 months
  • Tried treatment with over the counter (OTC) treatments such as paracetamol and ibuprofen which haven’t worked



ACRN- Australian Clinical Research Network

Maroubra, NSW, Australia, 2035

Contact: Mark Arya (02) 83470645

Study Coordinator (02) 83470645


Holdsworth House Medical Practice

Sydney, NSW, Australia

Contact: Patient Recruitment Coordinator 

Email; [email protected] PH: (02)803810

CYDEPS Dose Escalation Pain Study

CYDEPS – Dose escalation pain study 

The CYDEPS clinical trial is investigating the use of a medical cannabis product as a potential treatment for chronic back and/or neck pain.

The study is a single arm, open label clinical study which means everyone who participates will receive the experimental medication (there is no placebo).

The clinical study will run for approximately 5-6 weeks, and will include 8 study visits to a medical clinic over this time, each time seeing the study doctor. The clinical study is open to eligible participants in Sydney.



  • Be aged 18-75
  • Have a history of chronic neck and/or back pain for at least 3 months
  • Tried treatment with over the counter (OTC) treatments such as paracetamol and ibuprofen which haven’t worked



ACRN- Australian Clinical Research Network

Maroubra, NSW, Australia, 2035

Contact: Mark Arya (02) 83470645

Study Coordinator (02) 83470645


Holdsworth House Medical Practice

Sydney, NSW, Australia

Contact: Patient Recruitment Coordinator 

Email; [email protected] PH: (02)803810


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