Phase II Clinical Trial Data

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Phase II - Dose Escalation Pain Study
Timeline: 4 weeks
Patients: 28 completed

Dose-ranging study to examine the pharmacokinetics, safety, tolerability and efficacy of Cybis®  THC:CBD oil in adults with chronic back/neck pain
Non-randomised, single arm, open-label study of Cybis® 10:25 in patients with chronic, moderate to severe back or neck pain who received escalating doses of Cybis® 
28 patients underwent a screening visit, then seven clinic visits (Day 1, 2, 8, 15, 22, 29, and 35)
Cybis®  was administered oromucosally at doses varying from 0.5 mL once daily to 1.5 mL twice daily
Total duration of dosing was 28 days

Listen to Dr Chye, our clinical advisor discuss the results of our clinical trial.


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